Most people looking to rent here in Delaware know to ask about rental payments, security deposits, pet policies and similar questions. However, there are other questions that a potential tenant may want to ask the landlord before committing to signing a lease....
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Landlord/Tenant Matters
Efforts to resolve landlord/tenant matters
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Mar 16, 2020 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
Being a landlord is more complicated than buying a building and collecting rent. It is important for property owners to know and understand how Delaware laws apply to them, especially when faced with landlord/tenant matters. Disagreements with renters are common and...
What to do when rent is not paid
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Jun 20, 2017 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
If a tenant in a Delaware residential property fails to pay rent, a landlord may have many options to either demand that it be paid or terminate the rental agreement. At any time after rent is due, a landlord may issue a written demand for payment. If the past due...
When landlords breach a lease agreement
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Sep 9, 2016 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
Many Delaware residents rent a home or an apartment, but interactions with landlords don't always go according to plan. State law provides various mechanisms that renters can use to seek remedies or terminate their leases when their landlords fall short of their...
The importance of lease agreements
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Jan 29, 2016 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
When a dispute develops between landlords and tenants in Delaware, the lease agreement is generally the first document that is consulted. Tenants hoping to avoid such misunderstandings may wish to read lease agreements and accompanying documentation thoroughly before...
Real estate law and tenant evictions in Delaware
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Mar 18, 2015 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
Both tenants and landlords need to understand how the eviction process works and under what circumstances a tenant may be evicted. Many tenants commonly believe that landlords can simply throw them out, but that is not the case. Instead, landlords must go through the...
How a bankruptcy may impact a Delaware eviction
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Jan 23, 2015 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
Delaware landlords may not be aware that if they have started the eviction process against a tenant, it may be possible for the tenant to delay eviction if he or she has filed for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In the event that the tenant filed for bankruptcy...
Delaware rental law and summary possession actions
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Jan 9, 2015 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
Delaware law provides a strict series of guidelines for the protection of all parties to a lease of residential or commercial property. The intent is to ensure all sides are treated fairly and equitably. Understanding the rights and obligations of all parties prior...
Can a tenant terminate a lease agreement?
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Oct 20, 2014 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
Under Delaware law, a tenant can terminate a rental agreement in the first month if the landlord does not adhere to the terms of the lease or if the tenant moves into a property where an issue exists that violates an ordinance, code, statute or regulation and the...
What is the process of evicting a tenant in Delaware?
On Behalf of Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. | Sep 18, 2014 | Landlord/Tenant Matters
If a tenant falls behind on the rent, or does other things the landlord does not like, it may reach the point that the landlord wants the tenant out of the property. In Delaware, evicting a tenant is called obtaining summary possession. There is a process that...