Solidifying End-Of-Life Decisions With Advance Health Care Directives
Although discussing wishes to receive or not receive health care at the end of your life can be an uncomfortable process, it is almost always beneficial to have a plan in place via advance health care directives or living wills. Leaving written instructions not only provides clarity for agents, but also gives you peace of mind that your decisions will be honored as intended.
Our firm, Tunnell & Raysor, P.A., is deeply experienced in drafting these critical documents with no room for interpretation.
Understanding Your Options
Under Delaware law, a living will functions differently from a traditional will. Rather than leaving your assets to specific people, you create written and legally binding directions for your medical treatment preferences. Our estate planning lawyers can help you:
- Provide specific instructions to refuse life-saving surgery or resuscitation
- Leave optional consent to donate organs and tissue following your death
- Designate an agent, or the person who will make decisions regarding your health care if you are no longer able to
Most people name their spouse, partner, children or another relative or close friend to be their agent. State law also enables you to name an alternate agent.
Planning Services For Your Unique Needs
Our law firm in Georgetown, Delaware, walks you through all of the information you need to know and individual factors for consideration regarding your end-of-life care. After a thorough discussion of your wishes and goals, we record them in straightforward language. If a dispute arises, rest assured that we are prepared to represent your interests in court. In addition to living wills, we offer a full array of estate planning services to fit your needs, including trusts, powers of attorney and guardianships.
Here To Help You And Your Family
Whether you are looking for knowledgeable counsel or aggressive courtroom representation, our law firm is able to assist. Schedule a consultation by phone at 302-396-9645 or toll free at 800-541-5443. We can also be reached online. We represent clients in Georgetown and Lewes and throughout Delaware.